Saturday, September 14, 2013

So, it has been several weeks since I've returned from India.  It's nearly two a.m. and I'm wide awake!  This never happens!  Why am I awake?  Because I'm thinking of my girls at NBCH. 

I miss my girls so much! I miss Reena, the leader. I miss, Monika, who is so silly! I miss Komal, who is sweet and soft-spoken. I miss Shiwani, who has the best spirit. I miss Ranuka, who shines ALWAYS. I miss Gloria, who can't keep her eyes off of me. I miss Mahimai, who trusts me.

On the last night, each group had a child that spoke kind words in front of the large group.  Can you guess who was willing to speak in my group?  While all the children spoke about going to zoo or hiking up the mountain with their group leader, my Reena blew me away with her kind words.  Reena said, "Didi Chelsea always asks us how was school and what we learned today."  I am a huge fan of education, but I did not realize the small, constant phrases I spoke, are making BIG impacts in my girls. 

At the end of the night we met in our small group and I gave the girls candy.  I started with the youngest, Mahimai and her eyes became large.  Gloria and Mahimai's dad is a director so they only spent a couple days with me which is another cool story for another blog.  Gloria's eyes also filled with excitment.  My girls were spoiled, so they did not care that they were getting candy at all.  I even got there favorite, Cadbury.  That's all they ask for.  My five girls were weeping at the thought of me leaving.  As I handed each girl her candy, I would say "I love you." 

This was the first time I was able to say "I love you" to my girls.  I was uncomfortable by our growing relationship.  Now, I can't imagine what my life would be like not to know Komal, Reena, Ranuka, Shiwani, Monika, Gloria and Mahimai.  I dream about these girls.  I know God has bright futures for all seven girls and all the children of NBCH.  Please be in prayer for Life Light Ministries and NBCH. 

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