Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wow!  What a wonderful end to the day!  Tonight, we went to Sanjay’s home for dinner.  I was able to ride a bicycle for a good portion of the time while others learned to drive his motorcycles and play soccer.  I rode on a motorcycle for the first time today!  I just loved being able to bike a little.  I’m really missing exercising.  The dinner was excellent!  The best meal I’ve had here and that’s saying a lot because everyone knows I’ve been eating really well!

Yesterday, we were able to hike a mountain!  I would say I’d rather do it by myself though.  The children had a blast, but it’s pretty scary walking up a hill with 80 kiddos in flip flops that are breaking.  I got to hang out with my buddy, Gloria, who also was wearing flip flops.  I was responsible for ten girls yesterday, just a bit overwhelming, but a great time nonetheless.  One guy called Gloria my daughter as a joke…

I really love it here.  I see God’s people.  I’m not homesick as much as I am missing silly things like a pedicure with my girlfriends or a phone call with my mom.  I’ve had hot showers though recently so I am grateful. 

Please keep praying for our team.  People are homesick and it is about time to go home.  I will try to blog a little more before we leave.


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